More about WAR

Hello guys welcome on my blog, today main thing is Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. This cool mmorpg has been created some time ago from mates from EA Mythic.
First off all WAR has large number of very interesting classes, each one is unique and very suggestive.
We can became a part of forces of Order (Dwarfs, Empire, High Elves) or Destruction (Chaos, Dark Elves, Orcs & Goblins). Each race or side has 3-4 classes so we have 6 x 3-4 from 18 to 24 classes ( I think is 20, Mythic cut out few classes and will add them later).
Anyway is you always wanted to became powerful and super-duper armored dude – CHOSEN OF CHAOS, or flame attacking Bright Wizard or Magus who can summon daemons like Pink Horror or Screamer of Tzeentch or even be Swordmaster of Hoeth – You can play them all!
Warhammer Online is connected to Warhammer Fantasy Battle, very popular strategic, miniature game created by Games Workshop. I know much about that because I played a lot in Warhammer games and Warhammer FB also :-). WAR is great game and if you are MMO fan you should try it. You can wait for trial version of game and then play but I can tell you that this game is really good and worth to play.
Marauder in Warhammer Online is really interesting class, its designed to be great melee fighter and vicious Bright Wizard-Shadow Warrior-Priest-Runepriest KILLER. He has very powerful hth attacks and abilities designed to deal a lot of damage in short period of time. In other hand he has low armor and he die very fast on battlefield if he is not supported by healers and tanks. Marauder has 3 different ways of improvements (Paths), you can choose between Path of Savagery (designed as anti-tank skills and deal more damage to tank – classes), Path of Brutality (against one opponent skills), Path of Monstrosity (Skills related to Area of Effect). It's up to you which one you pick but remember that you can easily change and respecialize your character. I started game with Path of Brutality but some time ago I changed my mind and my character is rearranged to deal more damage against tanks with Path of Savagary.
My Marauder is already on 37 rank and 29 renown rank, well i'm currently traveling between last chapters of Dark Elves, Orcs and Chaos. I'm doing quests, playing in scenarios and I'm sharpening my teeth to play in special 40 level areas :-) in one of them you can stand against Bloodthrister (real one not me :P ) or Great Unclean One – Daemon of Nurgle.
goldfarming - 17. Nov, 12:18