Age of Conan – one of really good online games
Welcome friends on my weblog! If you are for sure one of the online games fans, so I would like to write some about MMORPG game called Age of Conan, where you can become an adventurer in savage and filled with cruelty Hyboria. What to start with? Well, Age of Conan is mature game, definitely not for children, as I mentioned, filled with pure brutality, also aggressive sexuality and barbarism. What's unique in this game is a combat system.
As you may know, this type of online games, which is MMORPG, you have to complete various quests and fight with various mobs as well. Our job is to do extra-ordinary combo attacks during the battles, using three(later five) main attacks – front, left and right – and activate an special ability skill, which you would like to use. It may look as a hard task, but it’s not. Learning that combat system is actually easy and intuitive.
What's also interesting, all „tutorial mode” is in Single Player mode – also, „Rookie Island”, which is named „Tortage” - you can complete also in Single Player mode and avoid playing with other players. Well, your choice if you want to play in one of these better online games. There is really a lot to talk about this splendid game but i don't have much time today. Anyway if you are huuuuuuge fan of online games, try out this game, its really fantastic way to spend some time!
Anyway lets leave Age of Conan for a while – it’s maybe one of the best online games, but still very bugged and Funcom company need to fix it. What is very interesting, you should know more also about other games like Warhammer or Final Fantasy. These games are also great and have a lot to offer to everyone including bored players. Well I’m playing still in Warhammer (it’s around 1,5 year or something like that) – I never played so long in online game really ;) I played around 8 months in World of Warcraft…ehh anyway I need to have a longer break anyway because playing too much may be really dangerous for your health. Really. I’m really serious right now :/ I know because I had some health issues in my past...
See you again
As you may know, this type of online games, which is MMORPG, you have to complete various quests and fight with various mobs as well. Our job is to do extra-ordinary combo attacks during the battles, using three(later five) main attacks – front, left and right – and activate an special ability skill, which you would like to use. It may look as a hard task, but it’s not. Learning that combat system is actually easy and intuitive.
What's also interesting, all „tutorial mode” is in Single Player mode – also, „Rookie Island”, which is named „Tortage” - you can complete also in Single Player mode and avoid playing with other players. Well, your choice if you want to play in one of these better online games. There is really a lot to talk about this splendid game but i don't have much time today. Anyway if you are huuuuuuge fan of online games, try out this game, its really fantastic way to spend some time!
Anyway lets leave Age of Conan for a while – it’s maybe one of the best online games, but still very bugged and Funcom company need to fix it. What is very interesting, you should know more also about other games like Warhammer or Final Fantasy. These games are also great and have a lot to offer to everyone including bored players. Well I’m playing still in Warhammer (it’s around 1,5 year or something like that) – I never played so long in online game really ;) I played around 8 months in World of Warcraft…ehh anyway I need to have a longer break anyway because playing too much may be really dangerous for your health. Really. I’m really serious right now :/ I know because I had some health issues in my past...
See you again
goldfarming - 15. Jun, 16:31